Fly Me To You 

Are you in a city that I am not touring?

Are you in need of a partner for your adventure?

Do you just need to see me, ASAP, specifically all for yourself?

I would be delighted to make a trip specifically to you.

A fly me to you appointment (FMTY) is a great option that offers a lot of flexibility that revolves around your schedule and your location. in your fmty inquiry, please be sure to include any details that you feel that i should know about your plans for our adventure together.

Because FMTY appointments take time for me to plan, i request a consult fee that is separate from travel expenses and the deposit.

Travel expenses will be calculated after the consult fee is received and screening is complete. travel fees are separate from the deposit and are not applied to the total donation. Deposit size for fmty appointments vary based on the length of appointment. First-time friends booking fmty requires a 50% deposit.

Time minimums vary by location of fmty.

The length of the requested appointment must be at least as long as the round trip transportation total time. The donations listed for fmty are just an estimate, and are not an official quote.

total donations are determined during the fmty consult.

“A Quick Trip To You”

west coast - 4 hr min.

midwest - 6-8 hr min.

hawaii - 12 hr min.

alaska - 24 hr min.

“Overnight Adventures”

“the south” - 8-12 hr min.

east coast - 12 hr min.

puerto rico / Guam / us virgin islands - 24 hr min.

“Time For Us to be Tourists”

the world is too big for me to give estimates on the minimum!! please inquire about your location :) - >24 hr min.

FMTY Booking Request

Please note that i do not accept FMTY requests while on a confirmed scheduled tour